Framer Website (Design & Development)

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About this service


Transform your vision into a stunning, fully functional website with my comprehensive design and development service. From initial concepts to final delivery, I'll handle everything. Provide your ideas, and I'll create, design, and develop a 4-5 page Framer website that aligns with your goals and engages your audience. Here is an example:


  1. Client Consultation: We start by discussing your website design vision, goals, and any specific requirements for functionality and features.
  2. Design Concept: Based on our consultation, I create initial design concepts for your website using Figma. These concepts will capture the overall look, feel, and structure of your site.
  3. Design Review: We review the Figma designs together to ensure they meet your expectations and discuss any adjustments needed. This step ensures that all design elements are feasible and align with your vision.
  4. Development Planning: Once the design is finalized, I analyze the layout, structure, and interactive elements to plan the development process.
  5. Framer Development: Using Framer, I translate the approved designs into a fully functional, responsive website. This includes implementing all necessary features and interactive elements.
  6. Integration of Interactive Elements: I incorporate interactive elements such as navigation menus, buttons, forms, animations, and transitions to enhance user engagement and usability.
  7. Client Review: You have the opportunity to review the initial website draft and provide feedback or revisions.
  8. Finalization: I incorporate any requested changes and finalize the website, ensuring it aligns with your design vision and meets your functional requirements.
  9. Testing and Optimization: I conduct thorough testing to ensure the website functions flawlessly across various browsers, devices, and screen sizes. Additionally, I optimize the website for speed, performance, and search engine visibility.
  10. Delivery: Once approved, you will receive a Framer Remix link so you can easily integrate the site into your Framer account.


  • Can I request specific functionality or features for my website?

    Absolutely, some features will demand extra cost from other services. I can do some custom coding but if it is highly complex I would call in one of my developer friends to assist.

  • Do I need to provide hosting for my Framer website?

    Not exactly, what you need is an account with, there you can pick the suitable subscription option that fits your needs. If you need assistance in figuring out which option, let me know.

  • Can I make revisions to the website after it's been developed?

    Yes, no problem at all. I would charge a daily rate for any changes. We will have to discuss what is needed and figure out how much time that would take.

  • Will my Framer website be responsive and mobile-friendly?

    Yes of course!

What's included

  • Website

    A website designed in Figma and developed in Framer. 4-5 Pages. With Navigation and CMS setup.

Example projects

Skills and tools

Web Designer
Framer Developer
Adobe Illustrator

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