Amazon Listings.

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About this service


We, at Nápoles , provide a specialized service that helps create search engine optimized (SEO) listings for products on Amazon. We aim to enhance the visibility of your product listings and boost sales. We adopt a comprehensive approach to optimize every element of the listing, which ensures better positioning in Amazon search results and attracts potential customers effectively.


How does our service work?

  1. We conduct extensive keyword research for your product and niche on Amazon. We identify popular search terms to boost traffic to your listing.
  2. We ensure our product titles are clear, descriptive, and attractive, featuring important keywords and highlighting key benefits. We adhere to Amazon's guidelines for title length to maximize visibility on all devices.
  3. We craft compelling product descriptions that showcase unique features, benefits, and value, using natural keywords and relevant information to aid in informed purchasing decisions.
  4. We craft concise and impactful bullet points that highlight key features, competitive advantages, and product benefits to capture buyers' attention and drive conversions.
  5. We conduct regular reviews of our listings to optimize performance, making adjustments as necessary. We monitor changes in Amazon's algorithm and adjust our SEO strategies accordingly to maintain product relevance and visibility.


  • What advantages come with working with Nápoles?

    Our Amazon product listings are optimized for maximum visibility and customer attraction.

What's included

  • In Nápoles, we are ready to satisfy your needs.

    To begin working together, we kindly request that you send us your ideas, sketches, and any specific requirements you may have. This will enable us to prepare a budget tailored to your needs. P.S. We offer the best prices in the market.

Skills and tools

Product Marketer
SEO Writer
Google Ads
Google Drive
Microsoft Office 365