Newsletter Ghostwriting- Technology - Digital - Design Founders

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About this service


Newsletter Objectives for Business Leaders:

  • Audience Engagement: Targeted content that appeals to your readers.
  • Value Provision: Offer tangible assets that benefit your audience.
  • Outcome Focus: Help readers achieve specific, measurable results.

To achieve these objectives:

  • Research and Analysis: I dig deep into industry trends and data to provide valuable insights.
  • Storytelling Techniques: I use compelling narratives to make complex information engaging.
  • Actionable Content: I provide clear, step-by-step advice readers can implement immediately.


Initial Consultation:

Schedule a discovery call with the client

Discuss their business goals, target audience, and email marketing objectives

Explain your services and process

Proposal and Contract:

Send a tailored proposal based on the consultation

Include services, deliverables, pricing, and terms

Once accepted, send a formal contract for signing


Send a welcome packet with a questionnaire covering:

  • Brand guidelines
  • Target audience details
  • Content preferences
  • Key products/services

Request access to necessary resources (e.g., brand assets, product info)

Strategy Development:

  • Analyze clients exiting content
  • Analyze client's information and industry
  • Develop a content strategy and editorial calendar
  • Present strategy to client for approval

Content Creation:

  • Write newsletter content based on approved strategy
  • Craft engaging subject lines and preview text
  • Add links and CTA
  • Ensure content aligns with brand voice and goals

Client Review:

  • Send draft to client for review
  • Incorporate any feedback or revisions
  • Obtain final approval

Design Consultation:

  • Provide recommendations for newsletter layout using client's chosen platform
  • Suggest visual elements to enhance content

Pre-Launch Check:

  • Review final newsletter for any errors
  • Ensure all links are working
  • Check mobile responsiveness

Performance Tracking:

  • Monitor key metrics after newsletter is sent (open rates, click rates, etc.)
  • Analyze performance against industry benchmarks and previous sends

Quarterly Review:

  • Conduct a thorough review of performance every three months
  • Discuss overall strategy and goals with client
  • Make larger adjustments to approach if needed

NOTE: While I focus on creating high-quality newsletter in your voice, distribution strategy and performance tracking are typically handled by you or your marketing team. However, I'm happy to discuss content optimization for specific platforms if needed.


I've consulted with experts and this is a $2,800 offer.

But here's the deal: I'm offering you and the next five people a special price. I'm cutting the price in half.

And I'm going all in to get you results. We'll work together to make this happen.

Here's the catch: Once we get you the results (and I guarantee we will), I need you to give me a video testimonial and a written testimonial.

It's a deal breaker for me. I'm putting in the time, the expertise, and the energy for this special price. But the testimonials will help me reach and benefit even more people.

Ready to unlock your potential and help me reach others?

What's included

  • Newsletter Content Creation Package

    4 newsletters per month (frequency as agreed with client) Each newsletter includes: - Engaging subject line and preview text - Main body content (400-800 words, or as agreed) - One clear call-to-action (CTA) Content tailored to the client's brand voice and target audience. NOTE: Special Offer !!! for first Five Clients [ offer is at the end ]

  • Content Strategy

    Monthly content calendar outlining: - Proposed topics for each newsletter - Content themes aligned with client's marketing goals Quarterly content strategy review and adjustment

  • Performance Analysis

    Monthly report on newsletter performance, including: - Open rates and click-through rates - Most engaging topics or sections - Recommendations for content improvement

  • A/B Testing

    - Monthly A/B test on subject lines or content elements - Analysis of test results and recommendations

  • List Growth Ideas

    - Quarterly brainstorming session for list-building content ideas - Suggestions for lead magnets or opt-in incentives

  • Brand Voice Guidelines

    - Development of a brand voice guide for email communications - Ensuring consistency across all newsletters

  • Email Design Consultation [ optional]

    - Recommendations for layout and design using existing templates - Suggestions for visual elements to enhance content

  • Subscriber Engagement Plan

    - Strategies to improve subscriber engagement - Ideas for re-engagement campaigns for inactive subscribers

  • Content Repurposing Guide

    - Suggestions for repurposing newsletter content across other channels (Linkedin, X, Reddit, Instagram)

  • Compliance Check

    - Ensuring all content adheres to email marketing best practices and regulations

  • Optional Add-ons (after consultation)

    - Welcome Series Content: A series of 3-5 emails for new subscribers - Seasonal Campaign Ideas: Special content for holidays or key business periods

Skills and tools

Email Marketer
Email Newsletter Writer
Google Analytics
Google Apps
Google Search Console
Hemingway App


App Marketing
Creative Agency

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