Contest Prep

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About this service


Contest Prep/Diet Coaching Fees
As a contest prep coach/nutritionist/trainer my goal is to prepare you to a level in which you never deemed possible. Each and every client I coach will get the attention to detail which is needed to look their absolute best. My experience of working in top notch gyms, training since the age of 12, having the education passed on to me from famous gurus, and competing myself for years, since the age of 22. I'm also a National level NPC competitor.
I started as a bodybuilder, then moved to classic, then to Mens Physique and have won numerous class titles and I've placed top 7 nationally once in 2020.
I treat each and every clients prep like it’s my own. I will fully outline all aspects of the prep, from your personalized nutrition plan, to gear and supplementation usage. I custom design workout plans as well.
My clients are all given my phone # and email so they can be in touch with me daily. I monitor your condition by comparing video's, pictures, body fat, and all other variables which come into place when we prepare for a contest. As we get closer to the show you will be in contact with me daily and in most cases we will be altering all aspects of the prep almost daily depending on your conditioning. This attention to detail is needed so that your progress doesn't come to a halt. All I ask for from you is to be 100% honest and to give me your full undivided attention.
I'm also available to hire if your interest is in just looking your absolute best. Most of my clients are with me year round so they are always striving to be their best. I do strongly suggest that my clients get blood work done and I will help you address any imbalances that might be present with your blood work. Some of the hormones we are specifically concerned with is Testosterone, Estrogen, thyroid, and IGF-1. The bottom line is if one of these is off, it will affect your end results.
Payment options
Contest Prep 16 weeks is $1000
Option 2 is $500 up front, balance is due by end of week 6.
Regular dieting/Off Season is as followed:
Option 1 is $300 up front and $150 per month due at the beginning of each month thereafter.
Option 2 is $ 1500 paid in full for one full year.
One time consultation:
$125 for a one time diet consultation
Posing and getting stage ready
Probable one of the biggest mistakes people make is they don't practice posing daily. I have all my clients start at least 8 weeks out. I can be hired to teach you how to pose for $25/half hour or $50/ hour. This goes for both men's and woman's physique and bodybuilding.

What's included

  • Detailed

    Diet and Training

Skills and tools

Business Owner


