Machine Learning Engineer

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About this service


I offer comprehensive AI development services, including model development, training, and deployment, tailored to solve complex problems efficiently. What sets me apart is my hands-on experience with machine learning projects, a strong foundation in Python, and a commitment to continuous learning and innovation, ensuring cutting-edge solutions for every project.


Initial Consultation:

Objective: Understand the client’s requirements, project goals, and desired outcomes.

Activities: Discuss project scope, gather initial data, and outline key deliverables.

Project Proposal:

Objective: Provide a detailed project plan and timeline.

Activities: Draft and present a project proposal document for client approval.

Data Collection and Preparation:

Objective: Gather and preprocess data for model development.

Activities: Collect relevant data, clean and preprocess it, and perform exploratory data analysis.

Model Development:

Objective: Develop and train the AI model.

Activities: Select appropriate algorithms, build the model, and train it using the prepared data.

Model Evaluation and Tuning:

Objective: Assess model performance and optimize it.

Activities: Evaluate the model using validation techniques, tune hyperparameters, and improve accuracy.

Deployment and Integration:

Objective: Deploy the trained model and integrate it into the client’s system.

Activities: Prepare deployment scripts, integrate the model, and ensure it runs smoothly in the production environment.

User Guide and Documentation:

Objective: Provide comprehensive documentation and user guidance.

Activities: Create user manuals, technical documentation, and provide training sessions if needed.

Final Review and Handover:

Objective: Ensure client satisfaction and complete project handover.

Activities: Conduct a final review meeting, address any remaining issues, and hand over all deliverables.

Post-Deployment Support:

Objective: Offer ongoing support and maintenance.

Activities: Provide support for any post-deployment issues, updates, and enhancements.

What's included

  • Deliverables for AI Developer Project

    Project Proposal Document Title: Project Proposal and Scope Description: A comprehensive document outlining the project objectives, scope, methodology, timeline, and expected outcomes. This document will serve as a roadmap for the project. Format: PDF Quantity: 1 Revisions: Up to 2 revisions based on client feedback

  • Model Development and Training Report

    Title: AI Model Development and Training Report Description: A detailed report documenting the development process of the AI model, including data preprocessing, model architecture, training procedures, and performance metrics. This report will provide insights into the model’s accuracy and reliability. Format: PDF Quantity: 1 Revisions: Up to 2 revisions based on client feedback

  • Trained AI Model and Codebase

    Title: Trained AI Model and Source Code Description: The final trained AI model along with the complete source code used for model development. This deliverable will include all necessary files and dependencies required to run the model. Format: ZIP file containing Python scripts, model weights, and dependencies Quantity: 1 Revisions: Up to 2 revisions based on client feedback

  • User Guide and Documentation

    Title: User Guide and Technical Documentation Description: A user-friendly guide and technical documentation explaining how to deploy, use, and maintain the AI model. This document will include step-by-step instructions, troubleshooting tips, and best practices. Format: PDF Quantity: 1 Revisions: Up to 2 revisions based on client feedback

  • Presentation and Demo

    Title: Project Presentation and Live Demo Description: A presentation summarizing the project’s key findings, model performance, and potential applications. This will be accompanied by a live demo showcasing the AI model in action. Format: PowerPoint presentation and live demo session Quantity: 1 presentation, 1 demo session Revisions: Up to 1 revision based on client feedback

Skills and tools

AI Developer


Machine Learning

Work with me