Grow Beyond - UX Case Study 🌱

Abdullah Qureshi

UX Designer
Product Designer
UI Designer

Simplifying job search by designing a user-friendly platform that enhances local application experiences through a streamlined interface.

Showcase GrowBeyond


  • UX Designer
  • UX Researcher


  • Figma - FigJam,
  • Google Suite,
  • Miro,
  • Maze,
  • Pitch


  • Ideation
  • Research
  • Research Interviews
  • Wireframing
  • Prototyping
  • Usability study
  • Iterating on designs


Limited features and personalization in local job search platforms


AI-Powered growth platform with job searching and applying capability.


I conceptualized an AI-powered growth platform. Upon onboarding, users would take a personality test to receive personalized career guidance based on their traits. The goal was to streamline and personalize the job search process and provide a user-friendly interface.


I translated ideas into tangible wireframes, prioritizing essential components like registration, onboarding, and the core flow of job search and application.

Once the paper wireframes were finalized, adjusted, and missing pieces were added, I seamlessly transitioned to creating the digital wireframes for the core flow.

Paper Wireframes
Wireframes gif

Visual Design

In the visual design process, I established a design system that included colors, typography, and iconography. This provided a solid foundation for creating the app's UI components. Following the principles of atomic design, I experimented and explored different options, allowing the app's visual interface to evolve.

Search and apply to jobs on Let's Grow

The prototype for the prioritized flow of searching and applying for a job.

View Prototype

If you want a more details on this project, then click here!

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