Tune It : Music Discovery App

Ricky Rawnak Chowdhury

Mobile Designer
UX Designer
UI Designer

Project Overview

The app was designed to allow users to discover and listen to new music, and to showcase my skills and understanding of UX design principles.
Design Features:
•  User-friendly interface with easy navigation
•  Ability to search for specific tracks or artists
•  Music player screen with play, pause and skip buttons
•  Clean and modern visual design with a focus on usability

Design Process

I started by identifying the problem of music discovery and how I could design an app that would help users find new music they love. From there, I created several iterations of wireframes and prototypes using Figma to test and refine my design. Through this project, I learned the importance of user testing and incorporating feedback to improve the overall design.


The resulting music discovery app design is user-friendly and intuitive, with a clean and modern visual design that puts the focus on usability. While the prototype only includes four frames, it showcases my design skills and ability to think critically about user needs and design solutions.
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