Java job board project

Hamdi Abiib

Backend Engineer
Frontend Engineer
Software Engineer

Landing page

During my role as a software engineer, I had the fantastic opportunity to create an placement consulting portal. 🚀 I was the driving force behind the frontend, using React, while also making magic happen on the backend with Java Spring Boot. 🌐

Role information and applicants

This comprehensive application provides access to all available job listings. It acts as an exclusive gateway to the portal, ensuring a seamless experience for users.
Once inside, you'll find three distinct user categories: consultants, account managers, and administrators. Our primary objective was to streamline the processes for account managers and recruiters, simplifying the task of identifying the ideal consultant for each job. This application empowers users to effortlessly browse job listings, submit applications, and tailor their preferences to match their needs. Additionally, it offers advanced filtering options, enhancing the efficiency of finding the right job opportunity. In summary, our application is dedicated to making the job search journey a smooth and productive experience. 🌬️💼🌈
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