This project was built with:
Web Development - Mimo

The Creative


Web Designer

Marketing Strategist

UI Designer



Mimo is a Framer Template built for Agency in various line of digital business with the main ides of helping start up agency or freelancers customize it to their own best interest, add features, and personalised content. It was built on Framer only and launched to the Framer Marketplace after it has fulfilled all the requirements which includes
Adding all the HTML Tags, SEO, Responsiveness, Clean and sleek website.
Appropriate animation, effects, and transitions.
No Optimization Error
Consistent Layout and Designs across platforms and pages.
Outstanding users experience and more.
Ideas behind the project
I spent 1 week building this template with the sole aim of putting out something better than my previous work on Framer. So, as I keep learning, I keep building.
Appropriate research was made to help me develop a website that can, to some extent, satisfy the needs of the audience I am targeting. One of the ways in which I was able to achieve this was competitors framer marketplace research and through interviews with some freelancers, visiting their blogs, and also hearing from their targeted audience in an attempt to know what they always look out for in agencies website before they make their choices.
Project Details:
Hero Section:
Headline: "Bringing Your Vision to Life." H1
Subheadline: "The autonomous customer service platform designed for commerce. Combine the best of human empathy and AI to transform your customer experience." Paragraph
CTA: "Explore Our Services", “Buy Template”
Including trusted companies and brands identities represented by their Logo
Headline: "Bringing Your Vision to Life." H1 Subheadline: "The autonomous customer service platform designed for commerce. Combine the best of human empathy and AI to transform your customer experience." Paragraph CTA: "Explore Our Services", “Buy Template” Including trusted companies and brands identities represented by their Logo
Our Process Section:
Visual: Our Strategic 3 step process diagram (e.g., Discovery & Strategy, Design & Optimization, Launch & Optimization). H2
Brief Descriptions: A concise overview of each step in the process. Paragraph
Visual: Our Strategic 3 step process diagram (e.g., Discovery & Strategy, Design & Optimization, Launch & Optimization). H2 Brief Descriptions: A concise overview of each step in the process. Paragraph
Our Services Section
Service Cards: Display 5 key services with images.
Service Title : e.g Website Development H2
Brief Descriptions: Concise summaries of each service. Paragraph
CTA: "Learn More About Our Services" (links to the Services Page)
Additional  Note: The service Page is linked to the CMS.
Service Cards: Display 5 key services with images. Service Title : e.g Website Development H2 Brief Descriptions: Concise summaries of each service. Paragraph CTA: "Learn More About Our Services" (links to the Services Page) Additional Note: The service Page is linked to the CMS.
Client Review Section
Carousel/Slider: Feature 5 client testimonials with Client’s Feedback, Feedback Title, Ratings, client’s name, profile image, and title/Brand Name (e.g CEO, Founder).
Focus: Highlight positive outcomes (e.g., "Increased website traffic by 20%").
Client’s Feedback: Paragraph
Client’s Feedback title: H3
Carousel/Slider: Feature 5 client testimonials with Client’s Feedback, Feedback Title, Ratings, client’s name, profile image, and title/Brand Name (e.g CEO, Founder). Focus: Highlight positive outcomes (e.g., "Increased website traffic by 20%"). Client’s Feedback: Paragraph Client’s Feedback title: H3
FAQ Section
Accordion: Address common client questions (e.g., "What are your rates?", "How does the payment process work?").
Question: H3
Answer: Paragraph
Accordion: Address common client questions (e.g., "What are your rates?", "How does the payment process work?"). Question: H3 Answer: Paragraph
BackEnd View
CTA Section
Headline: "Bringing Your Vision to Life" H2
CTA: "A Contact Us Form Page”
Contact Information: Phone number and email address
Headline: "Bringing Your Vision to Life" H2 CTA: "A Contact Us Form Page” Contact Information: Phone number and email address
Footer Section
 The Footer Contains the Agency Logo, Menu Nav Links, Social Media Images, and the Copyright texts.
The Footer Contains the Agency Logo, Menu Nav Links, Social Media Images, and the Copyright texts.
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Posted Oct 1, 2024

Mimo - An Agency Website for start-up agency and freelancers who needs a sleek customizable website for their brand.






Web Designer

Marketing Strategist

UI Designer



The Creative

A Framer Expert who builds user's oriented funnels & sites

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