
Elizabeth White

Brand Strategist
Content Creator
✍️ The Mission: Interview and write about an individual's history on a subject for their business. They wanted something read like a story, written from their POV, and something that captivated the reader and kept them wanting to read on throughout the entire story.
✨ The Result: A heartwarming reimagining story about a tarot reader and her journey with the Tarot and childhood life experiences with magic and mysticism.
Below is an excerpt of that story.
💯 Bonus Points! I got to create the rest of the about page where this story is displayed, complete with researched quotes relevant to the part of the story that they were placed by in the website design that I also created! Woo!
Magic has always been in my blood.
When I was younger my grandmother let me create these intricate stories in my head and then act them out in real life. They were always about dragons and magical lands where those majestic beasts roamed free, and she’d encourage me to look for them flying around invisibly in the sky. Whenever the clouds shifted and a trick of the eye made it seem as if something were hidden behind them; DRAGONS. Whenever it was raining and flashes of light would streak across the sky and sometimes it looked like wings arching; DRAGONS. She’d tell me dragons and dolphins were best friends, and we’d spend hours at the beach looking for dolphins to appear briefly over the waterline just to say hello to their invisible friends in the sky.
Magic has always been a part of my life whether it be dragons, jumping on the trampoline with brooms to pretend I’m flying, imaging I’m Aramina - The Girl Who Heard Dragons, brewing potions in giant puddles after a Texas rainstorm, using made-up incantations to change stoplights from red to green, and even precognitive dreaming. I could always find the magic in anything - in fact, one of my favorite memories is of my mother waking me and my sister up in the middle of the night to run outside in our PJ’s and make little snowmen on the hood of the car. I’d grown up in Texas so of course, I’d never seen snow before that moment, and maybe it was my sleepy brain or the imagination of a 7-year-old but I promise you I thought those flakes were magic dust sprinkling all over the place and disappearing before they had the chance to grace the ground.
Need a master at storytelling to sell your brand? I got you 💯 Check this out!


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