✽ Synthnergy A0-1

Jadeline Yeo

3D Designer
Graphic Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Cinema 4D
Synthnergy A0-1 by AORA. Introducing the technology revolutionary 'Synth A0-1' revolutionising the traditional process of creating music and sounds. The machine offers customizable settings according to your creative needs.
Synthnergy A0-1 is the future.
Synthnergy A0-1
Synthnergy A0-1
Synthnergy A0-1
Synthnergy A0-1
Synthnergy A0-1
Synthnergy A0-1
Synthnergy A0-1
Synthnergy A0-1
Poster Design:
This project features a poster design that showcases of my ability to communicate information and emotion through striking visuals. Combining striking 3D assets and graphic works creating a balance of aesthetics and communication, leaving a lasting impression on the viewer.
Creative Services:
3D design
Graphic Design
Creative Direction
Partner With Jadeline
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