Writing Sample–Five Reasons to Join an IRL Book Club in 2024.

Hanna Retana

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One of the best decisions I've made in my twenties has been joining a book club. I've built cherished friendships, explored new literary genres, and rekindled my love for reading. If you want to get out of the house a couple of times a month and have a good time, I couldn't recommend it more.
Oh, but I can! Here are five reasons why I encourage you to try out a book club this 2024:

It’s the best way to read outside your usual genres.

And if you are trying to get back into reading, it’s a great way to break out from a rut. Book clubs usually pick up one or two titles to decide between every month. Read the synopsis carefully. Does anything call to you? Even if it’s a different genre or a type of literature you aren’t too familiar with, keep an open mind. If you don’t like it at all, at the very least you now know yourself a little more! In the best-case scenario, you have a whole new universe of books to explore.

You’ll meet new people and immediately have something to talk about.

Skip the awkward first meetings! Sure, the first time the club meets you will want to set aside time for introductions and ice-breakers. But after those are over, there is no need for lingering silences. You already have something to talk about!
People's experiences and personalities will shine through genuinely as they share their thoughts. Through that, you will get to know your new club friends in a far more authentic (and fun!) way, and without any of the perfunctory, automated questions.

It’ll stimulate your critical thinking and give you new perspectives.

Remember what I said about being open to new genres? It’s very likely that even if a particular genre isn’t for you, it will be someone else’s bread and butter. It can be fascinating to listen to new interpretations of a story you read.
I still remember that time one of our club members pulled out a full page with annotations on the month's pick. She provided an in-depth analysis of how the book presented theatric elements. This was obvious to her given her arts background, but new to the rest of us on the table. That day we all left a little wiser, we also got to know each other better and found new common ground to explore.

You’re guaranteed at least one new best friend.

If you are in a book club together, chances are you already have a thing or two in common. As meetings go by you will find a natural pull to some people over others. That is not to say you won't become friends with most if not all members of your club, but only that there will be a few people with whom you click better.
My advice here would be conscious of these developments and try not to make anyone feel out. One of the biggest selling points of a book club is the chance to make new friendships that will go beyond monthly meetings. But remember that when you are at the club meeting is everyone's space to have a good time.

It’s an act of self-care.

Making the time to read every day and commit to finishing the book before the meeting is, in a way, carving out time for yourself to do something you enjoy. If you lead a busy life, that precious half hour to read every day goes a long way. It's a reminder to slow down and do things simply for the joy of it.
Moreover, the afternoon or evening you spend with your book club friends--sipping coffee and discussing the shocking plot twist of that mystery novel--is also a time you choose to spend in communion, feeding that soul-y part of you that feeds on community.
If you are anything like me, you may also have some unrealistic book goals to crush by the end of the year. A book club will help you build momentum, and once you've got it, adding an extra title or two every month will become second nature.
Hopefully, after reading this you will be opening a new tab and searching "book clubs in my town". If by any chance you can't find one in your area, why not start one yourself? Read my short guide with Five Tips on How to Make Your Book Club a Success.
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