Voting dApp (Using Flutter and Solidity)


Mobile Engineer
Smart Contract Engineer
First I learned the basics of Blockchain and practiced writing Solidity code. And decided to apply this knowledge to a project. I still have a lot to learn of course.
I used: - Flutter for the front end and used Solidity to write the smart contract. - Truffle and Ganache for testing.
- For deployment: Truffle, and Infura.
- To connect the app with the smart contract I used the web3Dart package.
- For connecting the app with MetaMask I used the WalletConnect package.
The app is very simple:
-Enables users to vote for 2 candidates (declared in the smart contract). -Logs and read how many votes each candidate has. -Logs who voted(using voter wallet address) for who(which candidate).
-Checks if the user has already voted and will show a message that they have already voted and can’t vote more than once.


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