Foundation of Ethical Hacker

Syed Ammar

This report outlines all the references to get to know the basics of becoming an ethical hacker. In general, getting started on Fundamentals of IT.
Building The Foundational Pyramid
Building The Foundational Pyramid

Basic IT Skills:

Professor Messer - Basic IT Skills: Offers free resources for foundational IT skills.
How to Build a PC! Step-by-step: Step-by-step guide on building a PC.

Networking Skills:

Professor Messer - Networking Skills: Provides free resources for networking fundamentals.
Cisco Networking Academy: Cisco's online courses covering various networking topics.
CompTIA Network+ Course on Udemy: Udemy course for CompTIA Network+ certification.

Linux Skills:

Linux Journey: Interactive online Linux tutorial.
OverTheWire - Bandit: Wargame for hands-on Linux learning.
The Complete Linux for Ethical Hacker...: Resource for Linux skills in ethical hacking.

Coding Skills:

Codecademy: Interactive platform for learning coding languages.
freeCodeCamp: Free resources for learning to code and building projects.
Team Treehouse: Online coding courses with a focus on web development.

Basic Hacking + AD Skills:

TryHackMe: Platform for hands-on cybersecurity challenges and training.
Full Ethical Hacking Course - Beginner to Advanced: Comprehensive ethical hacking course.
Practical Ethical Hacking Academy: Practical resources for ethical hacking.

Web Application Security:

PortSwigger - Web Security: Resources for web application security.
Hacker101: Educational platform for web security.
Bugcrowd - Bug Bounty Program: Bug bounty platform for ethical hackers.
HackerOne - Hacktivity: Publicly disclosed security reports and activities.

Wireless Security:

Aircrack-ng Documentation: Documentation for Aircrack-ng, a tool for wireless security.
CyberPunk - Targeted WPA2 Exploitation: Information on targeted WPA2 exploitation.
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