Mental Health

Faiza Bashir

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Your mental health is our first priority!!!
First of all,what exactly mental health is?
Mental health,a state of well being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities and is always able to make a contribution to his or her community.
Mental health includes your
Self confidence
Social bebaviour
Mental health is also about how you feel, think and act. How you behave with others and how you handle your stress and depression.
Mental health can affect your daily routine,relationships and our physical state.

Factors affecting mental health

Everyone has some risks of developing mental health disorder,no matter their age or ethnicity.
It is important to note that good mental health depends on a delicate balance of factors and that several elements of life and the world at large can work together to contribute to disorders.

Mental health disorders

The most common disorders of mental illness are as follows;
Anxiety disorders.
Mood disorders.
schizophrenia disorders.

Reasons of mental illness

Negative thoughts
Stressful events
Chlidhood trauma
Social lonliness
The mental illness may result as sad feelings and too much emotional,extreme mood changes highs and lows,confused thinking,social withdrawl,loss of interest,change in sleeping and some other unexpected changes.
So, it is important to be mentally healthy to lead a healthy life. It is said that a sound body has a sound mind.
Happy life

Cure of mental illness

Value yourself: Treat yourself with kindness and respect, and avoid self-criticism. …
Take care of your body: …
Surround yourself with good people: …
Give yourself time: …
Learn how to deal with stress: …
Quiet your mind: …
Set realistic goals: …
Break up the monotony:

Healthy mind

What a good saying that healthy mind has a healthy body.
Good mental health is characterised by a person’s ability to fulfil a number of key functions and activities, including: the ability to learn. the ability to feel, express and manage a range of positive and negative emotions. the ability to form and maintain good relationships with others.
In lifes there are times when you want to be mentally sharp to make hard dicisions.
In leaderships there are times when you need to be mentally tough to navigate the problems. It just not happen itself you have to develop it by yourself. You have to work on yourself for yourself by yourself…

Focus on the moment:

The difficulties and the challenges that come along from time to time are tests for us to change. What you have to do is only focus on the problem and try o your power . You have to maintain your inner power and strength.

Challenge yourself

The difference between who you are and what you want to be is …………..what you do.

Respond positively

Responding positively can be super effective at our goals and positive outlook and to create more harmonious relations. The only key is you have to believe in you . Your motto should be i can and i will… because *You are hero of your own life*..

Control your emotions

Here are some quotations that will help you to control your emotions.
You should never underestimate yourself… because you develop your world yourself.


In the end, it should be clear that mental health is an imporatant componenet of your life . Without your mental health thw world would be drab,dark and dull.
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