Purple Style Labs

Nikit Singh

Web Developer
React Native Developer
React Native
Purple Style Labs
I was working on their subbrand called Pernias Pop Up Shop or PPUS for short.
I worked on 3 different projects here.
Main Desktop Website - Here I worked on revamping the codebase from React's class-based components to functional ones, implemented multiple screens, and did a lot of refactoring to make the codebase a lot cleaner. Later on, I worked on upgrading Webpack from Webpack 3 to Webpack 5.
Men's Desktop Website - I created their Men's Desktop website by forking it from their main website and implemented a couple of features until we hired a dev to work on it full-time.
Cross Platform App - Lastly I worked on their react-native app, which didn't have even 50% of the features compared to the website and mobile website. The first thing I worked on was to bring it to feature parity with the desktop and mobile website. Later on, I implemented a lot of app-specific screens and features. The biggest task was to upgrade the app to newer react-native versions. I upgraded the app twice, Once from v0.63 to 0.67, and another from v0.67 to v0.72. Managed two people under me later on while working on this app.
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