
Dhinesh Kris

Fullstack Engineer
UI Designer
Adobe XD


Clinical MRI has become an essential tool in accurately diagnosing brain disorders in fetuses and newborns. The introduction of ultrafast MRI techniques has addressed the challenges posed by fetal motion and resulting image deterioration. Concurrently, there has been a remarkable advancement in image-processing techniques for in vivo fetal ultrafast MR imaging. These innovations allow us to precisely assess the remarkable growth and organizational processes of the developing brain in the womb, enabling early detection of deviations from normal development in high-risk fetuses.
The exponential growth of normative data, coupled with the ability of hardware and software algorithms to efficiently analyze big data at high speeds, is facilitating early and advanced diagnostic capabilities for high-risk pregnancies. These technological advancements are revolutionizing the quantification of fetal MRI data in clinical settings, eliminating the need for laborious image processing and improving the reliability of measurements. The Integrated Research Information System (IRIS) is a cutting-edge research application that enables real-time diagnoses by integrating advanced neuroimaging research tools across different platforms.



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