Senior Front-end development

Benjamin Garcia

Android Developer
iOS Developer
Web Developer
React Native
• Multiple language platforms using i18next library.
•React Auth Routing using @okta/okta-react library.
•Animated UI Button, Dropdown, Select, Modal, and Checkbox components using styled-component and CSS(not plugin).
•Navbar component with high structure.
•Landing page Number panel animation CSS.
•Dashboard page Slider and Blog page Pagination component using styled- component and CSS(not plugin).
•Redux actions to interact with Express.Js backend.
•High-quality code style & project structure.
•Mobile and Web responsive.
•Email verification, Forgot Password, Change Password flow.
•Blog schemas and Relation mapping on the backend side.
•Stripe Payment flow using stripe 3rd party API.
•Used React JS for creating reusable UI components.
•Created Menus and Drawer components by using Typescript
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