Implement A 3x ROI Social Media + Email Strategy

Zenah Khair

Email Marketer
Marketing Strategist
Social Media Marketer
Pali Roots
Founded in 2016, the PaliRoots mission is to bring awareness to the world about the Palestinian culture by crafting specialty products inspired by its people and identity.
The outcome? An entirely new generation of Pali Gear was born, inspired by the land and culture of Palestine, catching the attention of Palestinians, supporters, and celebrities worldwide.
We have proudly partnered with PaliRoots for more than 5 years, successfully building their social media presence. Today, PaliRoots boasts an impressive following of 336K on Instagram, 400K on Facebook, 7K on LinkedIn (established just a year ago), and an astonishing 2.3M monthly views on Pinterest!
Check out their STATS!
Check out their STATS!
Social Media Posts
Social Media Posts
Email Marketing Campaigns

“Finding people to plan & coordinate your social media and email strategy is easy however, finding someone with drive, creativity, & an eye for storytelling marketing is one of the hardest people to find. When we met Zenah, it was as if we found the missing piece we always needed to complete our puzzle. She has not only massively increased our social media presence across the board & produced 3x ROI, but has implemented & structured how our company operates. She is so talented that we had to make her the CMO of PaliRoots. 4+ years and counting & we truly cannot thank her enough for believing in us & growing our mission.

Aminah Musa | Co-Founder & Lead Designer of PaliRoots

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