Webflow all website - Locatiers

Emilien Potin

Webflow Developer

Locatiers Locatiers is the No. 1 software package designed for rental and charter companies to optimise fleets of rental equipment with drivers and public works transport.

Goal: After Locatiers launched their saas their main objective was to have a high-performing and visually appealing website that showcases Locatiers' new services effectively and facilitates easy interactions for users.

Problem: Locatiers needed a website that could highlight their offerings in an engaging way while also providing a smooth and efficient user experience. The previous website lacked interactive elements and did not represent the brand adequately.


Styleguide Creation: Developed a detailed style guide page on Webflow to ensure design consistency across the entire website.

Reusable Components: Built reusable components to make future updates and maintenance more efficient and streamlined.

Animations: Integrated dynamic animations to enhance the user experience and keep visitors engaged.

API Integration: Connected essential APIs such as Cal.com to facilitate easy scheduling and improve site functionality.

Testing: Undertook comprehensive testing to ensure the site was bug-free and performed optimally across various devices and browsers.

Launch: Successfully launched the website to production, ensuring a seamless go-live process.


Initial Analysis: Worked with the client to understand their needs and vision for the website.

Design Phase: Created wireframes and mockups, then refined them through collaborative feedback.

Development Phase: Focused on the actual build in Webflow, incorporating the design elements, reusable components, and necessary API integrations.

Testing: Conducted thorough testing to identify and fix any issues before launch.

Launch: Deployed the final version of the website, ensuring that all functionalities were operational and the user experience was seamless.

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