Boost Turku Website Redesign

Abdullah Qureshi

Web Designer
Framer Developer
Framer Designer
Google Docs

"This project was an exciting challenge that pushed the boundaries of what can be achieved in low code web design and development within a tight timeframe. It reinforced the importance of choosing the right tools and maintaining a clear focus on user needs and project goals."

Gif of the final result

Project Overview

I recently participated in a hackathon where I redesigned the website for Boost Turku, a organization that supports startups and entrepreneurs in the Turku, Finland. I completed the project in just one day, focusing on making the site more user-friendly, visually appealing, and efficient.

Role: UX/UI Designer, Web Developer

Tools: Framer, Framer CMS

Duration: 1 day

The Challenge

Boost Turku needed a website overhaul that would:

  1. Improve navigation and user experience
  2. Establish a clear content hierarchy
  3. Enhance visual design
  4. Implement an easy-to-use content management system

The Approach

Given the tight deadline, I chose Framer as my primary tool for this project. This decision allowed me to seamlessly integrate design and development into a single, streamlined process. The project was carried out in the following key phases:

  1. Quick Audit

I began with a quick audit of the existing Boost Turku website to identify key areas that required improvement. This assessment helped prioritize the most critical changes needed to enhance user experience and visual appeal.

2. Design and Development

Using Framer's all-in-one platform, I developed a new website layout that focused on making the CTAs more prominent and clear, reducing noise on the pages, and enhancing the visual hierarchy. After finalizing the design, I transitioned smoothly into development, implementing responsive design for various devices, adding interactive elements, and optimizing overall site performance.

3. CMS Integration

Finally, I integrated Framer CMS to enable easy content management. This setup allows for future updates without the need for extensive technical expertise, ensuring the website remains up-to-date and relevant.

The Result

In just one day, I made a fully redesigned and functional website for Boost Turku. The new site features:

  • Improved navigation and user flow
  • Clear content hierarchy
  • Integrated CMS for easy updates

Key Achievements:

  • Completed the entire project within a 12-16 hour timeframe
  • Successfully integrated design, development, and CMS in a single platform
  • Created a website with good functionality and loading speeds

Feedback Reflection

After submitting my work, I received constructive feedback from the board. While the functionality and loading speeds of the site were praised, and the effort given the one-day timeframe was acknowledged, there were some areas for improvement:

  • Design: The design was noted as an area that could have been better executed, indicating that there is room for refinement in my approach to visual elements and overall user experience.
  • Impact of Improvements: The board felt that while the improvements were a step in the right direction, there is an opportunity to make even more substantial enhancements in future iterations. This feedback encourages a deeper focus on creating more significant changes that can elevate the user experience and add greater value to the website.

This feedback is invaluable as it provided me with key insights into areas where I can continue to grow. Reflecting on the experience, I realized that while participating in the hackathon, I gained a unique perspective on the entrepreneurial and startup landscape in Turku, Finland, which was quite different from my own background. This opportunity allowed me to re-explore a tool I hadn't used much in the last few months—Framer—and learn about my capacity to manage multiple projects simultaneously.

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