Gepoht's Logomark

Akua McEachron

Graphic Designer
Logo Designer
Affinity Designer
Gepoht's official logomark and selected font scheme
Gepoht's official logomark and selected font scheme
After what felt like a long time coming, the following is the official logomark design for Gepoht, a design and technology led one-man studio.
Striking a balance of simplicity and uniqueness, the mark was made to evoke a familiar feeling while establishing the messaging of there being something "new" being communicated.
For ages, we've come to know ideas as being represented with a lightbulb above an individual's head. However, for the design of Gepoht's signature logomark, I wanted to dare myself to think a little differently on the concept. Rather than use a lightbulb to symbolize the moment an idea strikes, I toyed with the idea of it being a "sprout" instead.
The notion that ideas start out small, as little things that have been planted and be nurtured and taken care of in order to bare any fruit is what I wanted to capture and illustrate in a small yet effective logomark.
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