Simmer in the Seasons: Many of us look forward to the transitions between seasons because we are struggling day to day, and the thought of the next seasonal change is enticing – it is predictable, yet new – the transition offers the promise of a change in our day-to-day lives. But it is temporary, and when the novelty of the change of the season wears off, we start to feel a bit little dull, and maybe a bit sullen. If you don’t already, schedule time to embrace what each season has to offer and participate in it to its fullest extent. Take the time to build a fire in the winter and sit by it with a good book and warm beverage. Watch the tree outside your bedroom window form new buds on naked branches and emerge as new leaves in the spring. Watch the bees pollinate flowers as you garden in the summer. If you make it a point to find the pleasures in each moment of each day and tailor them to match the seasons, you might notice you feel more content, no longer desiring to rush through the season, no longer eager to step beyond today, and no longer longing for the possibilities the next season might bring.