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Hasitha Gamage

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In a country , to have a proper rule and system one thing is very essential. It is the State. According to details, the State refers to as a certain land which consist with ruler and people who follows him. However, there is no certain definition on the term state. Also when it comes to the origin of the state , there is no much evidences as well. So, to solve this problem it is important and we have to consider about several sources. When it comes o sourcs, the buddhist sources and the Hindu sources are important. However, among these sources and details , the buddhist view on state has become a major factor when it comes to the origin of Kingship. Amogng the buddhist sources, Agganna sutta gives a concise and specific details about the origin of the state. Also when examining deeply on it, it has several specialities along with the hindu and other sources. So, this article tries to explain about the Agganna sutta view on Kingship and comaparing special points with other sources view on kingship.

What is State ?

State is the most important factor in a country. It simply consist with several elements. However, we cannot give a certain description related to the term State. State is simply a certain land which consist with ruler and people. However, explaining more deeply state can be defined with a broader view. So, there are several definitions can be find out with sources. These are some following definitions on the state.
"State is a people organized forn law within a definite territory"
Woodrow Wilson -
"Union of families and villages having it's end a perfect and self - sufficing life by                    which it meant a happy and good life"
- Aristotle -
are some of the main definitions related to State. With considering this severaal elements can be find out. One is the certan land and also the specific ruler. So, with all these things the state refers to as an element which consist with a specific ruler and a land.
Even though the State which is consist with these kinds of things, the ancient setting of state is important. So, when it comes to  state, Kingship is a main factor when it comes to the ancient state. Then your question is "What is kingship?" When it comes to kingship there is no one specific definition. According to Hanguranketha Dheerananda thero, it has evolved from time to time. However, the main conclusion is that the kingship has no certain definition.

The Origin of State - Several point of views 

As explained earlier, the term "State" doesn't have a certain definition. Likewise the origin of Kingship also don't have a certain point of view. Because of that , there are several ideologies can be discovered from the historical sources. As explained earlier, to identify kingship and the Buddhist view, it's important to find out different ideologies related to State on other religions. So, sources like Mahabharathaya , Puranas and Deegha nikaya are some of the main sources related with Kingship. Mahabharathaya , Brahmanas in Vedic litrature , Arthashashthra of Kautilya, Deeghanikaya are some of the main sources related with origin of State.
Among these several sources, Mahabharatha is an important factor when it comes to the origin of Kingship. According to Mahabharatha , At the earliest times there was a society with no ruler or any law firm. However, the people lived a happy  life. According to Altekar, as the moral degeneration , people became selfish and greedy and with that they started to fight with each other. So, the society got vanished , because of that the god and people decide to go to Brahmadewa. Brahmadewa concerned about this, he appointed a leader to provide a rule and implement rule for the people. The person was "Virajas".  Explaining furthurmore, Altekar explains that this is related to the concept of "Republic" of Plaeto (Altekar, 1949 : 11 p). According to other sources, Narada and Brahaspati stated about State but it doesn' have a certain mention of the State.
Also when it commes to Vedic litrature , there are some mentions about the God Indra. According to the sources, there was a battle between the Sura and Asura. With this the Asuras won. Because of that they named a king called Indra.
Considering all these factors, according to the Hindus view on kingship they all believed that the Kingship is occured with a divinity and the kingship went to  person who is not a human a god. Simpply, Hindus believe that the Kingship is a result of Divinity.


Agganna Sutta and Buddhist view on Kingship

Apart from all these mentions of the hindu sources , Buddhism also concerns about the origin of Kingship. According to Altekar, in the Deegha Nikaya , the origin of the world and Kingship has been discussed. Among several suttas on Deega Nikaya, Agganna Suttaa stands out as it clearly explains about the world's origin and the kingship. Then the next question is What is Agganna Sutta. As explained earlier, Agganna Sutta is a sutta which belongs to Deegha Nikaya. This was taught by Buddha for two brahma clergies called Vasettaa and Bharadwaja.
So, Agganna Sutta is mostly concern about the Origin of the world. It has some mentions about the occurence of Day and Night, People (etx). However, as a part of the origin of the universe,there is a mention about the origin of Kingship. So, before going to more explanations , it is important to quote out the story that explained in the Agganna Sutta.     
Once the world was full of Darkness , No son or moon , no stars appeared, there was only a water mess. Also there were no seasons or males and females. The people in the Achissra loka came into the place with having lights on them. Suddenly the savoury earth occurred. It was occurred and spread all over the water where species lived. I was with milk, tasty and good smell.
At once a creature take apiece of the savoury earth from his fingers and tasted it. Then the other creatures followed him. Took pieces from savory earth and tasted it. Likewise the people continued to taste the savory earth with greedy minds. With having it with greed the savory earth disappeared. With he disappear, sun and moon occurred and day and night occurred as well.
With the end of savory earth , the fungus arose. The fungus the manner of mushroom contained with taste and smell. The people started to feed on fungus. As they were rough, the peoples’ skin got darked. Timely the fungus occurred and brahmans, the dissapearment of fungus the creepers rised. Like the people feeding on that with greed , the creeps disappeared and finally rice arosed
The world next full of rice. The rice free from powder and husks , They were fragrant and clean grained too. The creatures goes in the morning to collect rice and they grown automatically in the evening. But one creature had other ideas. That creature went in the morning collect rice for both morning and night. The others questioned from themselves, if he do that we will follow that. So, the people gather rice for both morning and night. Then they started to gather rice from others’ parts too. Then they started to feed on others parts as well.  With that they start to capture the theifs. With that they gather to one place and then discussed about a[ppointing a leader who can punish others , who can scroll them when they need. After some discussion , the appointed a leader. As he was appointed by the agreement of all thee people, he was known as “Mahajanasammatha” With that he became the first king. Also the concept of kingship occurred.
So this explains about thee origin of Kingship. So, as explained earlier, the kingship occured within people and their needs. So, with these things , there is some kind of a speciality can be identified with Agganna Sutta. However, it is important to explain these things with a strong foundation.

Why Agganna Sutta special ?

With Considering all these points, the main difference is the Hindus and Buddhism is and other sources not concern about divinity. However, this topic cannot be discovered only with that point of vi. So, the next question is how are we going to do that ?. As the origin of Kingship there is no certain answer for this question. Hoever, by considering on few points related with the sources, we can answer the question. So, with this passage, it asaims to study the speciality of the Agganna Sutta with few main points. They are
The Reason for the apointment of the King
The person appointed for kingship
                                                                                                                                                                  can be identified as two main factors.
Among them the first dimension is the reason for the appointment of the king. When it comes to the reason , according to the brahmana sources the invented a king called Virajas to stop the greedyness and the problems occured in the society. Also according to the Agganna sutta and buddhist view, the king was appointed for stop the thieves , and unjustice happen in the society. With these things it is clear that th kingship occured to solve a major issue in the society. However, when explaiing deeply the elements have  some kind of a difference. When it comes to Vedic litrature, the people appointed the king Indra as a solution to the war occured between Sura and Asura. Also according to appointing Virajas, the war was mainly focused on Gods. Gods and Asura are some groups that are not much reliable or believable. So, the issues for appointing kingship has some kind of a problem. On the other hand, when it comes to Agganna Sutta, they appointed a king to reduce unjustice , crisi and catch theives (etc). In a societies, these things sre more believable and proper ways. So, these things have a much strong foundation on the Agganna Sutta.
Also the other question is the person that appointed as the king. According to Mahabharatha, they appointed a king called Virajas. According to altekar, Virajas ia an asexula creature and divined one (Altekar, 13p). And also when it comes to ruling they are concerned on ruling rights on divinity. Also when it comes to Agganna Sutta, the king was Mahajanasammaha. Also another point is the king was Mahajanasammatha. With the details they appointed the person with a group among them. In another words, Mahajanasammatha is a man. Normally in states, divinity is not considered as a main part. So, according to the sources Agganna sutta givs a kind of a valuble and trustworthy details on the origin of Kingship.
Also when it comes to the people appointed the kings , According to details on Agganna sutta, the people gathered and they appointed the king. However, when it comes the details on Mahabharatha and hindu detailes, the Virajas was appointed by the gods and it was lead by Brahmadewa. Also when it comes to Vedic ltrature it is also based on Gods. So, that gods cannot be come a s aproper way or true. So, eith that the Agganna sutta gives a clear and trustworth details about the state.



So, with considering all these points, it is clear that the Agganna sutta specofoes with few points. They are the people who appointed the kings , they are by people and the king is also a person that can be seen and believable. So, to consider on a source, trustworth and ability to prove the points with other sources are important. So, the details of the kingship on the Agganna sutta aligned with these points. So, it creaates a significan important to study history of Kingship.
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