✽ 3D Ramen Bowl

Jadeline Yeo

3D Designer
Motion Designer
A fun and playful 3D Product Visualization of a realistic ramen bowl with Aora Design Lab. This was a fun project where I worked with Cinema 4D creating playful simulation of 3D objects that uses colourful palette and playful typologies.
Clay test render of Ramen Bowl
Clay test render of Ramen Bowl
The Ramen Bowl had to go through many testing and iteration to find the best design composition and texture/colours. Here are some still images during my creative process:
Textures and Colour Experimentation
Textures and Colour Experimentation
Although it took a while to find the best result during my testing phase of the process. In the end it was worth it. Here are the final result of my 3D Ramen Bowl:
Creative Services:
Creative Direction
3D Design & Motion Design
Partner With Jadeline
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