Data wizard for hire 🔮

Price List
Price List

price list of dental instrument excavator.

Data Entry Specialist
Product Researcher
Microsoft Excel

Buyer of Dental Instruments
Buyer of Dental Instruments

400 plus companies name, location and email addresses. 400 plus companies who import Dental Instruments from manufacturer Companies.

Data Entry Specialist
Product Researcher
Microsoft Word

Top 5 social media platforms for online selling 2023.
Top 5 social media platforms for online selling 2023.

how to sell online using social media platforms like Facebook Instagram and LinkedIn etc. A complete guide to sell on social media platforms.

Data Entry Specialist
Product Researcher
Microsoft Word

Market Research on Competitor Strategies
Market Research on Competitor Strategies

A complete guide to competitor strategy. What is competitor strategy? what are the tools for competitor strategy?

Data Entry Specialist
Content Writer
Microsoft Word