Grammar Savant: Fast & Flawless Editing

Uplifting Artist Statements
Uplifting Artist Statements

Using example artist statements from the Internet (attribution at bottom of page) I copyedited the text

Copy Editor

Speedy Proofreading for Time-Crucial Projects
Speedy Proofreading for Time-Crucial Projects

The client provided a PDF with a 24-hour deadline. I found spelling and punctuation issues as well as his ACTUAL RECOMMENDATION missing from his SUMMARY

Adobe Acrobat

Proofreading for Action
Proofreading for Action

I received these statements from clients, which required editing. I redlined them using the Track Changes feature in Microsoft Word

Content Editor
Microsoft Office 365

Editing Enhances Understanding, Ensures Clarity

Sometimes writing can't just be redlined for full effect. It requires full blown editing. Here are a few examples of rewriting content provided by engineers.

Content Editor
Google Docs
Microsoft Word

Brilliant Technical Writing for a LightSaber!
Brilliant Technical Writing for a LightSaber!

When SpaceX asked me to watch a YouTube video and generate instructions, I assumed it would be a technical talk on rocketry. Instead - building a lightsaber!

Technical Writer
Microsoft Word

Sorry. Your Spreadsheet Has Errors! Data Cleaning
Sorry. Your Spreadsheet Has Errors! Data Cleaning

Proofreading and editing data is more important than editing words, because spreadsheets often represent MONEY. Let me clean your entries and formulas!

Data Analyst
data normalization
Google Sheets
Microsoft Excel