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Why are Gen Z voters souring on Biden? I decided to ask them ab…
Why are Gen Z voters souring on Biden? I decided to ask them ab…

Democrats shouldn't expect all of Gen Z to show up for the party in November. Too much has happened.

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As demolition begins on one of the last Klamath River dams, att…
As demolition begins on one of the last Klamath River dams, att…

Crews scraped the first shovelful of dirt from the top of the earthen dam, clearing another obstacle for people and salmon who rely on the Klamath.

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To the moms all alone on Mother's Day, I see you and you are en…
To the moms all alone on Mother's Day, I see you and you are en…

This year, I've written a letter to every single mother struggling to celebrate herself today, who feels inferior to the other families she sees. You are enoug…

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